[拍案妙文] Swinging both ways


[拍案妙文] Swinging both ways

文章J@ck 發表於 週六 11月 12, 2005 2:41 am

[拍案妙文] Swinging both ways

http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/MUG/m ... 88834.html

[size=150]donato[/size] from Audioasylum Planar Speaker Asylum 寫: Posted by donato (A) on November 06, 2005 at 07:51:59

When I first met Marty, a year and a half ago now, I was dazzled by his ability to relay information and detail. He could retell events with such a vivid, hyper-reality that was intoxicating. Although his ability to do this largely engaged and appealed to my analytical side, he had his visceral appeal as well. His bottom was full and had a dynamic impact on me. I have to admit I was seduced by his talents and charms for some time. Marty moved in and we lived together happily for a few months.

As with anyone, I was attracted to Marty because of his overt talents, but when living with him, I began to notice some of his foibles. He was a bit finicky; he required you to sit just so, in his special sweet spot when he spoke to you. He had a weak stomach; if you fed him some garbage, he was likely to regurgitate it on you. Lastly, there was a certain coldness and artificiality about him.

When I first started seeing Marty, I briefly dated one of Maggie's sisters. Maggie's sister was tall and slender and attractive in a down to earth kind of way (she always had a real ribbon in her hair) and, boy, could she play piano. My mother played piano and she made me and all of my siblings learn to play piano so I could really appreciate her abilities. I had already started to get more seriously involved with Marty so I stopped seeing her.

But in the fall of 2004, I met Maggie herself. It's clear that she and her sister had a shared set of genes and were raised in the same household. Maggie was just a bit taller than her sister, quite statuesque, yet still slender. Like her sister, she could also play piano (her mother must have been like my mother), but perhaps due to her maturity and strength, she could play the lower registers with a bit more authority than her sister. It may not be a surprise to anyone, but she didn't really like rock and roll music, but she indulged me when I wanted to listen. Maggie also wore a ribbon, but could roll up her sleeves and push and pull with the best of them. Her family was from Minnesota and she had that midwestern sensibility to which other midwesterners (I'm originally from St. Louis) can relate.

In short, we hit it off immediately. I pushed Marty aside and made room for Maggie in my house and we've lived together happily. Maggie was articulate and filled the room with her presence. There was a certain ease and naturalness about her that just relaxed me and allowed me to enjoy my time with her. She was the kind of gal that made you think about settling down, about spending the rest of your life with her.

Maggie had a voracious appetite and liked to consume hearty, beefy amps. She could be difficult if you didn't feed her well. At first since we haven't been together that long, she had to make do with what I could provide, but eventually I was able to bring her something better suited to her palate. She was certainly never sickly or weak, but with her new diet, she seemed all the more healthy and robust. Her bottom end firmed up quite a bit, much to my pleasure, and her voice seemed all the more clear and extended.

You would think we'd be able to live happily ever after, but life's never that simple. I ran into Marty again yesterday. I wish it would have been easy to just turn my back on him, but I couldn't. He came in and we spent all afternoon and evening together. We had dinner and I fed him some of my amps.

It was both strange and familiar. There was a bit of an awkward period to get adjusted and back in sync with each other, but also much of that knowing familiarity that touches part of you, the part within you that was created by the significant and meaningful time you spent with each other. I had forgotten how mesmerizing his voice was and how he could sing. He was, as I remembered him, wildly entertaining and energetic.

He spent the night and I've woken up and he's here with me this morning as I type. Marty and his beguiling charms. Maggie and her steadfastness. I know I have to make a decision, but I want to wallow in this euphoric (but ultimately unsustainable) meta-state where I have them both. I'm fantasizing about this now, but I know the cold, hard reality will force me to choose one or the other. Reality can wait a bit longer.

轉載者註 :
Marty, 全名 Martin Logan
Maggie, 全名 Magnepan
文章: 17
註冊時間: 週日 3月 28, 2004 2:27 pm

文章耗子 發表於 週六 11月 12, 2005 3:19 pm

好文!可惜小弟的中文造詣不夠,沒法把他好好的譯出來 :oops:

y'know, the first two paragraphs got me to think the author as a bi-sex or something... :ale:
文章: 0
註冊時間: 週四 5月 19, 2005 2:43 pm
來自: 耗子窩

文章肥羅多 發表於 週六 11月 12, 2005 5:20 pm

耗子 寫:y'know, the first two paragraphs got me to think the author as a bi-sex or something... :ale:

我也是這麼覺得.................. :mad: :mad: :mad:
文章: 26
註冊時間: 週三 2月 11, 2004 12:36 pm

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